About bercy
Bercy has an interesting history. Prior to the earthquake in 2010, there were very few inhabitants in what is now Bercy. The area was mostly scrub brush and sticker bushes. In fact, it was not only a place that you would not visit; it was a place you would try to avoid if possible.
However, after the earthquake, a pastor known as Pastor Pierre with the help of some missionaries, was able to establish a church, an orphanage, and a school in the area. Shortly afterward, Habitat for Humanity came in and built a number of homes in an area known to the locals as Habitat, even though it is still part of Bercy.
As people started to leave Port-au-Prince, they wanted to be far enough away that they felt safe from the earthquakes. This landed them in Bercy. There are now more than 10,000 people in the two parts that make up Bercy, Upper Bercy and Lower Bercy. Upper Bercy is where Grace School Bercy and Grace Church Bercy are located.
Pasteur CHELO
Grace Church Bercy was started on the porch of a building that was being built by US missionaries on a Sunday, November 11, 2012. The first church service consisted of 5 people. As Grace Church Bercy grew, they were able to move to a one-room temporary shelter for a short time until God provided them with a bigger building. The church now meets with approximately 75 members.
Grace Church Bercy is led by Pastor Winchel “Chelo” Demosthene. Pastor Chelo was born in Vignier Arcahaie (Haiti’s flag city) on January 22, 1986. On July 23, 2011 he marriedSaicide Clervil on July 23, 2011 and they are the parents of 3 beautiful girls - Naomi May, Sawini Winchelsa, and Shelby Lynn Monissa.
Even before the church was formed, Saicide dreamed of starting a school. Saicide had to convince Pastor Chelo that starting a school was the right thing to do and in 2015 she was finally able to do just that. In September of that year, Saicide and Chelo used the space where the church now meets to open Institution Wini Garden, Grace Church Bercy’s school. Although Pastor Chelo supports the school, he knows that the driving force behind it is Saicide and her passion for children.
Grace church bercy
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20
Grace Church Bercy is now under construction to include three more rooms to the school. This will take the school up to the 4th grade!